This is not a new rant or news in any way, I'm sure, but the majority of Americans are self absorbed assholes on cellular telephones. Get off the phone and pay attention to the task at hand. DRIVE your car. PAY ATTENTION to your kids. LISTEN to your spouse when they are talking to you. GET OUT OF THE WAY in the store.
There is nothing that makes my blood boil faster than having my cruise control set, passing someone....then they shoot past me.....and slow down again....then I pass them again since my speed is set at a CONSTANT speed.......then they fly by me again.....and slow down. Look you fucking dipshitted retarded goddamn fucking douchbag morons, the REASON I keep passing you is because you lack focus. You are going somewhere between 60 and 90 mph in a 70 MPH zone. Why? Lets glance over and see what the problem is...yep....cell phone in hand, texting away. Look fucker, when I get in a car I have certain goals in mind. Chief among those is GOING SOMEWHERE. That's right folks, when I got in the car I had a destination and a time to be there in mind. YOU however cannot pull your brain out of facebook or email or whatever long enough to even maintain your speed? REALLY? Just get the fuck off the road. Really. I don't care how either, drive off the road into a ditch and crash and die, or just park at the next exit. Either way, get off the road you fucking dick. Roads are for driving.
The same applies in the supermarket. I swear to god I'm gonna get one of those small air horns and carry it with me to walmart, so the next time 5 of you are on the phone blocking the ENTIRE isle I can hit the horn.
I'm tired of being polilite. I have been dealing with the discourtesy of all you assholes for years. No more. I'm done. Air horn here I come.