Friday, May 13, 2011

Alumawallet Is Pure Shit. Save Your Money.

The Alumawallet is the biggest piece of shit I've seen since I was at the zoo last year, and there is some BIG shit at the zoo. Billed as "indestructible" by the company that sells it, nothing could be further from the truth unless they said it was made by elves at the North Pole from sunshine and baby kisses. It's not even made entirely from aluminum, it's a 10 cent plastic shell with double stick tape holding on a thin aluminum shell.
This thing is so shitty it makes turds (actual turds) pale in comparison. In fact if you had the alumawallet sitting next to a turd, and someone asked you to pick which one was the $10.99 alumawallet, you would point to the turd. No kidding. Fuck you Telebrands and your aluma-piece of shit.
I realize using a 12,000 pound diesel powered compacting roller is a bit excessive. BUT, you can't call something indestructible if it CAN be destroyed. Truth in advertising is lost on Telebrands on this item. 

Coming soon, the remains of the alumawallet will be shot.

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